I am a data analyst & visualization engineer turning your data into web-based data-driven visualization projects.
Volcano Districts and History Database from the Smithsonian Institution in CSV format. Dataviz done with Python scripts and D3.js cartography.
Wildfire Satellite Detection Fire radiative power data provided in JSON format. Radial timeline and oriented bubbles in D3.js
Fire Weather Index Fire weather index dataproduct in NetCDF format. Map projection in Python Folium package.
ParisOlympics Cooling energy demand from TIF to GeoJSON format. Map projection in Leaflet cartography.
EarthScanFlooding H3 to GeoJSON flooding depth data in worst case RCP scenario. Map projection in Leaflet cartography.
Phase Space Python generated JSON output of simple mathematical functions. Trajectories and circles created in D3.js
MGClimDeXProject Gridded model output and population database in NetCDF format. Map projection in D3.js
Newsand Bots JSON data output of web scrapers and python postprocessing. Vertical timeseries in D3.js
PathProjects CSV data of K-means iterations, fossil fuel emissions and atmospheric CO2. Paths created in D3.js
Windstormin Georgia Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model output from NetCDF to tiles. Map projection in D3.js and Leaflet cartography.
HierarchyDistributions Theoretical exercise using D3.js lines, circles, stacked dots, polygons and paths on a given number of elements in three different levels.
Hurricanesand Oceanic Oxygen HURDAT database in CSV format and CMIP5 output from NetCDF to JSON. Spider diagram and map projection in D3.js.
OceanicCarbon Export NetCDF data from different dataproducts into DAT and JSON format. Map projections and cross sections in D3.js
OceanAcidification CMIP5 model output from NetCDF to JSON format. Map projections and time series in cartesian axis in D3.js
I am a data analyst & visualization engineer turning your data into web-based data-driven visualization projects.
01 /MountainsMagnitudes
02 /DaisiesMagnitudes
03 /DiamondsMagnitudes
04 /Force BubblesMagnitudes
05 /Force Hex BubblesMagnitudes
06 /TreemapMagnitudes
07 /Voronoi DiagramMagnitudes
08 /Starry SkiesMagnitudes
09 /Japanese WavesMagnitudes
10 /Spider Diagram IMagnitudes
11 /Spider Diagram IIMagnitudes
12 /Small MultiplesMagnitudes
13 /Oriented BubblesMagnitudes
14 /Stacked DotsMagnitudes
15 /SpiralsMagnitudes
16 /AnemoneMagnitudes
time series
17 /Lines in Cartesian AxisTime Series
18 /Areas in Cartesian AxisTime Series
19 /Vertical AxisTime Series
20 /SankeyTime Series
21 /RingsTime Series
22 /Flights TakeoffTime Series
23 /RainTime Series
24 /Radial AxisTime Series
25 /Collapse TreeNetwork
26 /Force NodesNetwork
27 /Radial TreeNetwork
28 /Satellites in OrbitNetwork
29 /D3.js DotsCartography
30 /D3.js RegionsCartography
31 /D3.js TrajectoriesCartography
32 /D3.js TilesCartography
33 /D3.js PolarCartography
34 /D3.js HexbinCartography
35 /D3.js ContourCartography
36 /D3.js NetCDFCartography
37 /D3.js DATCartography
38 /Folium ContourCartography
39 /KeplerGL ContourCartography
40 /KeplerGL DotsCartography
41 /Leaflet TilesCartography
42 /Leaflet ContourCartography
43 /Leaflet HexbinCartography
44 /ThreeJS Elevation ModelCartography
The full set of dataviz types can be downloaded here, including magnitudes, time series, networks and cartography.
how to
How to Createa BeautifulData Visualization The Origins project was developed at Empathy.co in sync with the data science, the graphic design and the front end departments Data visualization of e-commerce search trends, from basic sketches to prototypes in production, covering the full cycle in data visualization creation.
geoPy training
Postprocessing of raw input data files is a delightful step in data analysis and data format conversion for javascript web-based visualization. This modules help reading, plotting and converting all sorts of georeferenced input data formats. Data Structures Basic input data formats such as CSV or JSON are usually translated into Pandas format to clean and filter the data we aim for, using arrays, dictionaries and lists. The output is converted into JSON or Parent/Child JSON format. Basic Plots A quick overview of the data can be done with plots using the Matplotlib library through scatter plots, regression fit, time series and histograms, together with all necessary plot formatting in text, legend and labels. GeoDataConversion Model output, dataproducts and observational datasets often come in georeferenced data formats, such as NetCDF, TIF, SHP or MAT files. Reading and all possible conversion among these file formats are explained. Generating an output in either JSON or GeoJSON format is also useful. GeodataRegrid and Mask Georeferenced data comes in a wide variety of map projections. In this module how to regrid both NetCDF and SHP files is explained. Masking dataproducts over particular regions defined by SHP files is also covered in this section. Cartography Mapping largely involves representation of either discrete elements, contour plots and areas or binning via hexagons or other polygons. These operations are performed to ultimately display the data in D3.js, Leaflet, Folium or KeplerGL. Text Analysis Text analysis from web scrapers or social network feeds can be done with the NLTK python package for basic statistics such as word frequency or word rank.
d3.js training
The golden standard of modern, contemporary data visualization. All that is needed to display magnitudes, time series, networks and maps is explained in this module, including transformations and interactivity. Set Up Basic set up to start writing code in D3.js and to see it working. This includes Observable Notebooks or setting up a local server. D3.js scripts are usually embedded into HTML code plus some CSS styles, a quick review of these basic elements is also covered. Basic Shapes The heart and soul of D3.js resides into drawing very basic shapes such as circles, lines or rectangles. The attributes of these shapes are subject to mathematical operations, including examples of loops, numerical operations, functions and conditional statements. Plug Data Plugging data into D3.js shapes bring the whole dataviz into life. This module cover three simple data structures: CSV, JSON and GoogleSheets formats, and how to plug them into our dataviz project. Advanced Shapes D3.js goes well beyond circles and lines to draw also polygons, arcs, lines and areas on cartesian axis, adding all possible axis of creativity. Transformations Conventional layouts can be modified through simple transformations of the groups of elements. This includes rotation of elements and display elements into rectangular or Circular grids. Interactivity New layers of information can be easily added or explored via a number of interactive elements, such as zooming, dropdown menus, sliders or tooltips, all of them through smooth transitions. Cartography Maps are one of the oldest data visualization tools. This section covers map projections, dots, lines, trajectories and regions on a map, tile filling of the space and hexagonal binning. These features are plotted using D3.js on native or Leaflet cartographies. Project Development Data visualization merges with journalism when telling a story, few clues are given regarding layout axis, layers of information, choice of background color, legends, credits and data sources.